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Ovidio Running is an event that is part of the european Score project and takes place in European countries/cities

The project SCORE is a Collaborative Partnership funded under the ERASMUS+ SPORT PROGRAM and aims at developing an organizational model for sporting events, sustainable, digital, inclusive, and linked to cultural elements characteristic of the local territory.

The idea was born from Ovidio Running, an event dedicated to the Latin poet "Publio Ovidio Nasone", which includes a 9.9 km run, a 3.5 km walk and a mini race for children aged 6-16. But in addition to the routes, a series of cultural activities are also carried out.

In May 2023 the road event starts in Constanza, Romania, and the sequel took place in Sulmona, Italy, September 16-17, where SPORTCAMP was actively involved in both cities.

Regarding the most recent event in Italy, representatives from SPORTCAMP were present by participating and interacting with the other participants and took over as one of the organizers of the next Ovidius Running to be held in Loutraki on November 4 & 5.

Stay tuned for more information about the event, which will be announced soon!

Ovidio Running_Sulmona 2023