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Teams' & Groups' camps May 2023

Teams' & Groups' camps May 2023

A particularly busy month for Sportamp with a packed schedule has been exciting as we have had the pleasure of hosting groups from France, Finland and the UK at our facilities.

From France we had two swimming teams:

RED STAR who trained at the Municipal Swimming Pool and GUILLEMINOT who trained at the Sportcamp facilities and also had the chance to visit the Panathenaic Stadium (Kallimarmaro) and the Acropolis in the center of Athens.

From the United Kingdom we had two schools: 

KIMBERLEY SCHOOL which participated in water sports activities in the magical location of Heraion Lagoon and also visited the Allou Fun Park amusement park and INGLEBY MANOR SCHOOL for which friendly Soccer and Netball Games were organized within the Sportcamp and a visit to Kallimarmaro and the Acropolis was also held.

From Finland, the SIMMIS GRANI swimming team trained at the Municipal Swimming Pool and also had the opportunity to visit the archaeological sites of the Panathenaic Stadium and the Acropolis.

It was a pleasure meeting the teams and schools and we look forward to see them again in the future.




May 2023 teams & groups